Friday, 11 June 2021
Headteacher’s Blog – 11th June 2021 I hope you and your family enjoyed the sunshine over the half term break and have got your wall planners up ready for Euro 2020! As the sun has come out there is certainly a sense of summer at school, with after school activities coming back and students enjoying their social time in the warmer weather. Lateral Flow Testing You may have seen in the news...
Tuesday, 04 May 2021
KS3 Students are invited to complete a facemask design challenge: The power point goes over the competition for KS3 students, please be aware the deadline for this to be entered is the 31st May - students can upload their designs here: They will need to download the design sheet attached. Students can enter this competition themselves, but for...
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
Náboj International Mathematics Competition On Friday 23rd April 2021, five Year 12 students from The Coleshill School took part in the international mathematics Náboj competition. Náboj is an international fast-paced, problem solving maths competition for teams of five designed to promote mathematical ability, inventiveness, ingenuity and teamwork. The competition took two hours...
Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Friday 30th April 2021 - Staff Training Day - School closed Monday 3rd May 2021 - Bank Holiday Tuesday 4th May 2021 - Return to School
Monday, 26 April 2021
CSW's Got Talent Competition! Entries to Miss Holland via Teams by Friday 11th June - winners will go on to represent North Solihull in the County finals!
The Coleshill School, | | | |
01675 462435 |
The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales.
Company Number 07730920.
Registered Office: The Arthur Terry School, Kittoe Road, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B74 4RZ
Tel: 0121 323 2221
CEO Richard Gill NPQH, NLE, FRSA