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Careers at The Coleshill School

Mrs BishopHello my name is Mrs Bishop and I am the Careers Leader for the Coleshill School. I am available to support students from any year group in school regarding their career decisions and to explore with them what opportunities are available to them as they progress through school. I can offer guidance on work experience, apprenticeships,part time employment, and a host of other opportunities available.

Students can drop in and see me in the Careers Office based in the Library or they can contact me via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

So students, please feel free to email me with any questions you may have regarding your "next steps."


Our Careers Fair is for all students. It's an opportunity to meet employers, training providers and universities and hear them talk about routes into professions and careers

Our independent careers advisor Mrs Clayton is available for advice and guidance on a Tuesday. If you would like to make an appointment, please contact Mrs Bishop.




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 Careers Dashboard

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Opportunities for Degree and Higher Apprenticeship



Student Entitlement

Students at The Coleshill School are entitled to careers education and guidance that meets professional standards of pratice that is person-centered, impartial, and confidential. It will be integrated into studens' experience of the whole curriculum and will be based on a partnership with students and their parents or carers. The programme will promote equality of opportunity, inclusion, and anti-racism. We will also follow the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks as outlined in the Careers Statutory Guidance of January 2018.

The Coleshill School is proud to be part of the Children’s University™ Scheme which aims to raise aspirations, celebrate and boost achievement and foster a love of learning, so that children can make the most of their abilities and interests. The scheme is open to 7 – 14 year olds and encourages them to access exciting and innovative learning activities and experiences outside of the normal school day, in return for rewards.

All children in the scheme have the opportunity to take part in Children’s University and extra-curricular activities at The Coleshill School and a range of activities outside of school such as Scouts, Guides and Swimming Clubs among many more. Children can collect stamps in their “Children’s University Passport” to demonstrate the number of hours of learning they have achieved in validated Children’s University activities. If your child is already part of the scheme from Primary school they can continue their hours at The Coleshill School.

Children are rewarded for the amount of hours they have completed in the following way:

  • 30 hours - bronze certificate awarded in assembly
  • 65 hours - silver certificate awarded in assembly
  • 100 hours - Gold Award is awarded at a prestigious Children's University Graduation ceremony at Birmingham University where they will receive a Children's University certificate, dressed traditionally in a graduation cap & gown, with an invitation to parents/carers to attend. Summer 2018 60 students graduated at the Birmingham University.

The cost of a CU Passport for each child is £3 which is payable via parent pay, financial assistance is available. The deadline for payment is Thursday 4th October. Passports can be collected at student reception during break times. Students can log their hours during Wednesday lunch times with Miss Blunt over the year.

Children are responsible for their own CU Passport and it is very important that they take care of them as lost records cannot always be accessed.

Please see our Enrichment page to find a programme of learning activities demonstrating opportunities being provided in school. To find out about activities held outside of school, visit the Children's University website and click on the Learning Destination section on the front page. Please note that Children’s University can only take responsibility for the quality of the learning experience provided by the Learning Destination and cannot be held responsible for other matters.

For more information about Children’s University speak to the school’s Children’s University Co-ordinator, Miss Blunt.I do hope you will support your child in this exciting venture and help them to achieve their Children’s University™ awards.

The Spring term is an important time for Year 8 students as they prepare for making their Option Choices for HCCSE. There is a range of information and support available within school to help them make informed choices. Year 8 Options evening will be on the 7th of February

All students will study the compulsory subjects of: English, Maths, Science, Physical Education. There will be an Options Assembly and the Options Booklet will also be available nearer to time.

During the Options Assembly, the Options process will be explained, key dates are issued, and detailed options subject information is released.

Year 8 Super Learning Mornings

10th-11th February — To show Year 8 Uniforg

In year 9 our students begin their options subjects. Throughout the year the students have super learning days which serve to make them more aware of current issues. Additionally the school runs excursions to local universities to help students become more aware of the requirements for certain careers and what the years following GCSE could entail.

School activities such as STEM club give our students opportunities such as current work with BMW to develop a chassis design for a hydrogen fuel cell car.

Coventry University was really cool, I’m definitely thinking of going to uni now!
The jump jet was my favourite part of the visit to Coventry, the students who showed us around were really nice!
Year 9 Image 1
Year 9 Image 2
Year 9 Image 3
  • Our Careers Team will be available for consultation at the Parents’ Evening
  • Our Careers Adviser will be available for one-to-one guidance
  • Students will have the opportunity to attend enterprise workshops.
  • Year 10 visit to Skills show in November. More information to follow
  • Work Experience for Year 10 will be launched before October half term. The dates for work experience 2020 will be P Band 29th June - 3rd July and Q Band 6th - 10th July

We ensure all of our students receive appropriate advice regarding their “next steps” during their time at the Coleshill School through a programme of careers education and advice and guidance provided by our careers team.

We are fully committed to ensuring our students leave school with either a place in the sixth form, at college or in employment with training (e.g. an apprenticeship).

All young people in England are required to continue in education or training until they are 18 years old. This does not mean they must stay in school and are they are able to choose from:

  • Full-time education (eg. at a school or college.)
  • An apprenticeship or traineeship
  • Part-time education or training combined with one of the following:
    • Employment or self-employment for 20 hours or more a week.
    • Volunteering for 20 hours or more a week.

All Year 11 students will have a bespoke careers meeting with Mrs Clayton, careers advisor for the ATLP MAT.

Year 11 practice interviews will be held on the 13th February 2020 - More information to follow. There will be a careers desk at parents evening.


Please see Sixth Form tab
Other useful careers websites
Alternatives to university including higher apprenticeships, sponsored degrees, and school leaver schemes
Help with applications
Volunteering and gap year